New year, an overrated or time to rate?

hello 2018!

it’s a new year and it’s the first working day for 2018. so here I am, finally working on a new post. IMG_4856.PNG

as usual, as the year ended, everyone is revisiting their whole of 2017 and reflecting on their achievements. i did the same too and i have started about 10 days before year end. I am glad that i did that because it means that i took my own time to reflect on my OWN life before seeing how other people do. if i need to describe my 2017 in one word, it’s gratitude. 2017 has thought me to be grateful with all that we have. we certainly do not have it all, and we will never have it all, but we are happy with all that we have. i am telling you that it is not as easy as i made it sound. i am quite a perfectionist where i kinda plan everything out and so when my plans of life don’t go as smoothly, it breaks me. but how perfect God’s plans are, that i’ve met the most laid back person as my partner. he calmed me down all the time and he also the one who thought me to just be grateful even when we were tested. as so other people, we tend to show our happy faces and times to others. i am not excluded but it is not because we are trying to be pretentious but because those are the moments worth remembering and we wanted to live for. sadness do go away eventually and i believe that those that doesn’t meant for us, doesn’t matter. for all we already have is enough. well, it’s probably more than enough. because God is ar-rahman and ar-raheem, the most loving and caring. this is one thing that i’ve embraced throughout 2017 and want to carry it with me to the new year.

of course social media is busy at this time of year. it is amazing to see other people’s reflections, looking at how much they have achieved and what they have accomplished. even if they had a bad year, you gotta adore of how much they have bounced back and how strong it has made them be. but what comes after that is that people who are watching and tend to compare. have i done enough? have i’ve been an achiever? it might hit some of you. for a moment, it almost had me and took me down. as much as i enjoyed my life in 2017, i am sad to say that i didn’t do as much as i wished to. but the thing is, it is not as easy to achieve it all than to plan it all. at times, especially at hard times, you gotta take one day at a time to battle all demons around and when you did, that is achievement. there’s no need to compare how much trophies you have collected. despite, look at how much you have gone through and how much you have grown. we got to remember that everyone is not living a same life. everyone have their own battles, struggles and hardships. God bless them to go through that and still achieving something (if not a lot). it is unfair to compare how fast the cat in us has ran last year with another cheetah. what we should do is to just focus on us and grow up to be the best version of us.


keeping that in mid, i am happy to have another fresh start to 2018. life hasn’t change much as the clock is ticking but it definitely has given us another chance to reflect, rethink and redo it all over again. we are not sure of how much chances do we have left, so don’t waste it. 2018 will be the year for me striving to be better, work harder and smile even bigger. let’s keep the spirit high throughout the year and let’s not get anything through our way. also maybe let’s try to review this at least every month and not let ourselves slacking in our own world. to everyone out there, i hope you had a beautiful start and nothing but more happiness is coming your way.

much love. xxx

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